Glitch Snake slides through the data sphere and bites your private parts!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Badass LEGO Guns

People can produce components for guns using the first generation of 3-D printers, but if you can't afford one yet (current machines are equivalent to dot matrix printers, future models will be like current laser jets), get this book. And a box of LEGO, like the one you keep in the attic because one day you'll have kids of your own when you decide to grow up.

It hurts so much when you step on LEGO.

So let your enemies feel your pain as you fire brick bullets from an Uzi 9mm (cue Terminator impression), mini gun (cue Terminator 2 impression), and when you've up close finish with a Joker impression: 'Want to know how I got these scars?' and flick out a LEGO butterfly knife!

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